345 Souraren Ave.
Unit #3 Toronto, ONM6R 2G5 Canada
(416) 822-9781
Gallery 345, 345 Sorauren Ave, Toronto
Sat April 9th, 2016, 8pm
$20, $10 Students & Arts Workers
Some of the predictions made by 20th century authors about autocracies and their methods have either materialized or are becoming alarmingly close. This show is a performance of spoken word and improvised new music with insights and vignettes of future worlds described by visionaries, writers and poets who have peered (at different times) into the future and looked at how different societies could be like and who express the fears and hopes of how people may experience and respond to our unfolding world.
Bill Gilliam, pianist / composer
Glenda Romano: actor
Mario Romano: actor
Glen Hall: Kyma X, cataRT, electroacoustic sounds, saxophone, flutes, and bass clarinet
David Story: pianist, drummer, composer and synthesist
Bill Gilliam (piano), Glen Hall (saxes, woodwinds & electroacoustic sounds) & Joe Sorbara (percussion) performing an evening of spontaneous compositions & sound explorations.
Poetry & Jazz
Bill Gilliam and sound poet Penn Kemp are next performing September 3 @ 2p.m, Vino Rosso Bar & Restaurant. 995 Bay St., Toronto ON M5S 3C4.
Contact: Linda lmstitt@sympatico.ca. Sponsored by the League of Poets, Metro Readings in Public Places. Free.
I'm performing with two wonderful players Kayla Milmine (sax) and Ambrose Pottie (perc) on Sat September 24th at the Gerrard Art Space at 1475 Gerrard St East.
Show details:
Faster Presents: Solo / Solo / Trio - Welcoming the fall equinox!
The Bill Gilliam Art Ensemble performs
“What Is Future?”
Saturday, Oct 22nd, 2016 at Silence in Guelph at 8pm.
What Is Future? is a performance of spoken word and composed / improvised new music about the rise of autocracies and their police state methods predicted by 20th century visionaries and writers with insights and commentary by poets.
What Is Future? written and composed by pianist Bill Gilliam, features Toronto based actors and co-directors Glenda Romano and Mario Romano , Glen Hall (woodwinds and electro-acoustic sounds) and David Story (percussion, keyboards).
“Luminous Gestures” is a performance of brand new music compositions at The Array Space on Sunday Nov 27th (8pm) inspired by themes of light and movement.
cheryl o Cello, Composer
Bill Gilliam Composer, Pianist
David Story Composer, Pianist, Percussion
Eugene Martynec Laptop
Alison Keery Dancer
Tickets: $15.00 at the door. Arts workers PWYC
Array Space, 155 Walnut Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6J 3W3