Signposts is the collaboration between composers Bill Gilliam & Charlie Ringas performing prepared piano and percussion with spoken word. These pieces are based on the poetry and writings of Ivor Cutler, Don Van Vliet, Alan Lightman and Rumi. We perform these evocative texts and poetry to signpost our sound explorations with musical improvisations.
Personnel and Instrumentation…
Bill Gilliam – prepared piano
Charlie Ringas – percussion
Guest Artists…
Bernardo Padron – flute
John Gzowski – guitars & string dowel
Live Recoding by John Magyar at Gallery 345, Toronto, May 7th 2010.
Studio recording, editing and mixing by John Gzowski, November/December 2010.
Mastered by Garnet Willis at NoiseTree, January 2011.
Liner Notes…
** Text by Don Van Vliet
* Text by Ivor Cutlor
~ Text by Rumi
^ Text by Alan Lightman